Now I gotta say... This is one hard game, then it also being within a time limit for a game jam is pretty awesome! This is my thoughts on the game and all respect to the game dev team to producing this game because this was fun :P Firstly I did beat all the bosses and played the game (I think) to its entirety. With that said here are my thoughts on Mr. Boss Rush The Bosses: Avocado Boss was the easiest of the three. It just shoots a bunch of avacado pits at you everywhere where it was super easy to dodge and at the end I just tanked it all to kill it. I also found out you could corner it at the entrence of the arena, making the boss fight so much easier than it already was. I would reccommend somekind of alternate attack that would make it harder to just tank it or to make the movement super hard to predict. Maybe some more alternate attacks too because the avocado boss just felt too easy.
The Dog Boss was definitly more challenging, however it definitly isn't on par with the last one... The Dog definitly required more skill because of the long ass chains with the added water borders, it helped me learn to time and watch where to teleport which I absolutely loved. This gave me good practice for the the last boss... The parryable attacks was also a wonderful added level of difficulty but, it gets easier once you understand it. On the note of the Dog's parryable attacks! I did find that if you play a little more aggressive and you swing the sword just at the right time when the Dog sends his parryable attack, you can send all of them onto the dog for some insane damage! My only problem is that if the Dog just spams the long chain attacks at the end your just kind of screwed, making it a bit too rng for my liking.. The Dog definitly needs a somekind of new attack at the end instead of just long chains and the attacks goin mach 20 ;-;
The Lightning Boss was a HUGE leap in difficulty! Holy crap, that boss was the one that definitly killed me more than any other boss ;-; The Lightning Boss definitly was much more easier to attack because he was just standing there (MENACINGLY!!!) It's difficulty definitly made it stand out more than the rest with it's sweeping attacks from all sides, the morsecode falling from above, lightning strikes that went everywhere, and finally... the aimed lightning... That one specifically where it just fires SO many lightning bolts at you that bounce around was HELL!! In the end, I did defeat the boss but this boss definitly contributed to most of my deaths in the game ;-; Loved the difficulty of it however, I definitly do have some gripes with this boss in particular. The boss's lightning bolt attack definitly makes it hard which I think it needs however, just like The Dog Boss when the health goes low attacks go brr gets too out of hand. It's another rng like thing where if you get a bad attack pattern your just cooked.. unless you tank it all at the end which can also be rng and not skill at times. I do like this boss the most tho and the only thing I would like to be changed is if the lightning bolts just didn't bounce and instead fired much more which could balance it if they don't bounce anymore.
The Gameplay: I do like the idea of swinging your sword around like a mad man with your mouse a lot but, it is definitly in need of some work.. I found that spinning the sword around you just doesn't work.. I tried this for all the bosses and it would sometimes hit the projectiles that are hittable or boss then sometimes just not at all and I would get hit because of it. I also had the problem that sometimes my swings wouldn't register at all which was frustrating at times but, I found that swinging left to right works the best. Then the movement... I don't like it a lot because of the fact that it makes you slide around like your on ice which is not fun at all. If there was somekind of frost stage with a boss like a snowman, this would definitly be a nice touch but, it being your movement the whole time makes it more difficult than it had to be. I like the fact you can't see your health which adds a good level of difficulty which I enjoyed. (I didn't at times lol)
The Artstyle/Theme: I love the artstyle a tooon and it fits so well with the game! I always loved pixel art and this is no exception :D However, I do have some gripes with the theme of the stages.. I don't really understand the theme for the Dog boss stage because why is this poor lil guy on a deserted beach like what ;-; With the poor lil guy shooting chains doesn't make sense too, maybe making the dog bark or charge at you could be more fitting? You could also make the Dog be in a backyard of sorts too. Then we have the Avacado boss just being in a.. Ice castle? I don't get it too well and maybe that's just me.. Maybe a garden like theme would've been better because this poor Avocado just grows roots from a icey like flooring and that's gotta hurt for my poor fruity friend..
Overall, I love this game and definitly hope that there'll be more content to come and the bugs get fixed :D I wish your dev team the best of luck on the Game Jam!
Wow, you defeated all three of the bosses?!?! Congratulations!!
We tried our best to make each boss fight feel different in its own way. There were mainly 3 programmers designing and making the game and each of them one boss fight.
About the themes, they dont seem to make sense at all because in most cases they don't. We draw some of the assets but we mainly worked with free asset packs so it is what it is. Although the dog is the one with the most sense xd. It's based on a galician legend called "Can do Urco".
At the end we didn't want to take the game to serious so it's like a mix of what we liked and a fever dream.
We'll take into consideration the feedback about the gameplay and thanks for playing the game!!! :)
No Problem! I'm glad my input helped you guys :D I see :0 You guys did really good with what you had then! I look forward to the upcoming changes when it happens :D
La idea es buena pero creo que hay ciertas cosas que echo en falta. Como a veces teleportarte al boss implica recibir daño involuntariamente, yo añadiría alguna forma de recuperar vida. Respecto de la vida esta bien que se haya integrado la vida del personaje en su sprite pero yo añadiría algo mas fácil de ver (corazoncitos o una barra de vida)
El juego está pensado para que resulte un reto, por lo que hay algunos aspectos que están hechos para castigar al jugador. Si tienes el problema de lanzar la espada a un punto en donde no debías la solución es no lanzarla a ese punto.
Ojo, el juego no es perfecto y hay muchas cosas que se podrían mejorar o hacer de otra manera. Igualmente, el daño de contacto de los bosses es bastante reducido en comparación con otros ataques (Depende del boss también).
Respecto a la vida del personaje, la hemos hecho de esa manera por dos razones: La primera es la dificultad añadida de no saber exactamente cuanta vida te queda. Si el personaje tiene el sombrero rojo sabes que mucha vida no te queda, sin embargo no puedes decir si aguantarás un ataque más o puede que dos, generando algo más de tensión al jugador. El segundo motivo es para que no tengas que apartar la vista para saber cuanta vida tienes. Ya que la mayor parte del tiempo vas a estar mirando hacia el personaje para controlar su movimiento o el de la espada.
Se planteó el añadir algún sistema de pociones para recuperar vida pero nos pareció complejo de balancear dado el estado en el que se se encontraba el juego en ese momento. La vida la recuperas después de cada batalla y debería ser suficiente para que cada batalla resulte un reto.
Igualmente gracias por el feedback y por jugar al juego!!! :)
The game is designed to be challenging, so there are some aspects that are meant to be punishing to the player. If you face the problem of throwing the sword at locations where you shouldn't, the solution is not to do it.
The game is not perfect and there are many things that could be improved or done differently. Dont worry, the contact damage of bosses is quite low compared to other attacks (Depends on the boss too).
Regarding the character's life, we have done it that way for two reasons: The first is the added difficulty of not knowing exactly how many life points you have left. If the character is in red you know that there is not much HPleft, however you cannot tell if you will tank one or two more hits, this contributes on generating more tension to the player. The second reason is so that you don't have to look away to know how much life you have. Since most of the time you will be looking towards the character to control his movement or the sword swinging.
We considered adding a healing potion system to recover life but it seemed complex to balance given the state of the game at that moment. You regain life after each battle and it should be enough to make each battle challenging.
Thanks for the feedback and for playing the game!!! :)
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Now I gotta say...
This is one hard game, then it also being within a time limit for a game jam is pretty awesome!
This is my thoughts on the game and all respect to the game dev team to producing this game because this was fun :P
Firstly I did beat all the bosses and played the game (I think) to its entirety.
With that said here are my thoughts on Mr. Boss Rush
The Bosses:
Avocado Boss was the easiest of the three.
It just shoots a bunch of avacado pits at you everywhere where it was super easy to dodge and at the end I just tanked it all to kill it.
I also found out you could corner it at the entrence of the arena, making the boss fight so much easier than it already was.
I would reccommend somekind of alternate attack that would make it harder to just tank it or to make the movement super hard to predict.
Maybe some more alternate attacks too because the avocado boss just felt too easy.
The Dog Boss was definitly more challenging, however it definitly isn't on par with the last one...
The Dog definitly required more skill because of the long
asschains with the added water borders, it helped me learn to time and watch where to teleport which I absolutely loved.This gave me good practice for the the last boss...
The parryable attacks was also a wonderful added level of difficulty but, it gets easier once you understand it.
On the note of the Dog's parryable attacks! I did find that if you play a little more aggressive and you swing the sword just at the right time when the Dog sends his parryable attack, you can send all of them onto the dog for some insane damage!
My only problem is that if the Dog just spams the long chain attacks at the end your just kind of screwed, making it a bit too rng for my liking..
The Dog definitly needs a somekind of new attack at the end instead of just long chains and the attacks goin mach 20 ;-;
The Lightning Boss was a HUGE leap in difficulty!
Holy crap, that boss was the one that definitly killed me more than any other boss ;-;
The Lightning Boss definitly was much more easier to attack because he was just standing there (MENACINGLY!!!)
It's difficulty definitly made it stand out more than the rest with it's sweeping attacks from all sides, the morsecode falling from above, lightning strikes that went everywhere, and finally... the aimed lightning...
That one specifically where it just fires SO many lightning bolts at you that bounce around was HELL!!
In the end, I did defeat the boss but this boss definitly contributed to most of my deaths in the game ;-;
Loved the difficulty of it however, I definitly do have some gripes with this boss in particular.
The boss's lightning bolt attack definitly makes it hard which I think it needs however, just like The Dog Boss when the health goes low attacks go brr gets too out of hand.
It's another rng like thing where if you get a bad attack pattern your just cooked.. unless you tank it all at the end which can also be rng and not skill at times.
I do like this boss the most tho and the only thing I would like to be changed is if the lightning bolts just didn't bounce and instead fired much more which could balance it if they don't bounce anymore.
The Gameplay:
I do like the idea of swinging your sword around like a mad man with your mouse a lot but, it is definitly in need of some work..
I found that spinning the sword around you just doesn't work..
I tried this for all the bosses and it would sometimes hit the projectiles that are hittable or boss then sometimes just not at all and I would get hit because of it.
I also had the problem that sometimes my swings wouldn't register at all which was frustrating at times but, I found that swinging left to right works the best.
Then the movement...
I don't like it a lot because of the fact that it makes you slide around like your on ice which is not fun at all.
If there was somekind of frost stage with a boss like a snowman, this would definitly be a nice touch but, it being your movement the whole time makes it more difficult than it had to be.
I like the fact you can't see your health which adds a good level of difficulty which I enjoyed. (I didn't at times lol)
The Artstyle/Theme:
I love the artstyle a tooon and it fits so well with the game!
I always loved pixel art and this is no exception :D
However, I do have some gripes with the theme of the stages..
I don't really understand the theme for the Dog boss stage because why is this poor lil guy on a deserted beach like what ;-;
With the poor lil guy shooting chains doesn't make sense too, maybe making the dog bark or charge at you could be more fitting?
You could also make the Dog be in a backyard of sorts too.
Then we have the Avacado boss just being in a.. Ice castle?
I don't get it too well and maybe that's just me..
Maybe a garden like theme would've been better because this poor Avocado just grows roots from a icey like flooring and that's gotta hurt for my poor fruity friend..
Overall, I love this game and definitly hope that there'll be more content to come and the bugs get fixed :D
I wish your dev team the best of luck on the Game Jam!
Wow, you defeated all three of the bosses?!?! Congratulations!!
We tried our best to make each boss fight feel different in its own way. There were mainly 3 programmers designing and making the game and each of them one boss fight.
About the themes, they dont seem to make sense at all because in most cases they don't. We draw some of the assets but we mainly worked with free asset packs so it is what it is. Although the dog is the one with the most sense xd. It's based on a galician legend called "Can do Urco".
At the end we didn't want to take the game to serious so it's like a mix of what we liked and a fever dream.
We'll take into consideration the feedback about the gameplay and thanks for playing the game!!! :)
No Problem! I'm glad my input helped you guys :D
I see :0
You guys did really good with what you had then! I look forward to the upcoming changes when it happens :D
La idea es buena pero creo que hay ciertas cosas que echo en falta. Como a veces teleportarte al boss implica recibir daño involuntariamente, yo añadiría alguna forma de recuperar vida. Respecto de la vida esta bien que se haya integrado la vida del personaje en su sprite pero yo añadiría algo mas fácil de ver (corazoncitos o una barra de vida)
El juego está pensado para que resulte un reto, por lo que hay algunos aspectos que están hechos para castigar al jugador. Si tienes el problema de lanzar la espada a un punto en donde no debías la solución es no lanzarla a ese punto.
Ojo, el juego no es perfecto y hay muchas cosas que se podrían mejorar o hacer de otra manera. Igualmente, el daño de contacto de los bosses es bastante reducido en comparación con otros ataques (Depende del boss también).
Respecto a la vida del personaje, la hemos hecho de esa manera por dos razones: La primera es la dificultad añadida de no saber exactamente cuanta vida te queda. Si el personaje tiene el sombrero rojo sabes que mucha vida no te queda, sin embargo no puedes decir si aguantarás un ataque más o puede que dos, generando algo más de tensión al jugador. El segundo motivo es para que no tengas que apartar la vista para saber cuanta vida tienes. Ya que la mayor parte del tiempo vas a estar mirando hacia el personaje para controlar su movimiento o el de la espada.
Se planteó el añadir algún sistema de pociones para recuperar vida pero nos pareció complejo de balancear dado el estado en el que se se encontraba el juego en ese momento. La vida la recuperas después de cada batalla y debería ser suficiente para que cada batalla resulte un reto.
Igualmente gracias por el feedback y por jugar al juego!!! :)
The game is designed to be challenging, so there are some aspects that are meant to be punishing to the player. If you face the problem of throwing the sword at locations where you shouldn't, the solution is not to do it.
The game is not perfect and there are many things that could be improved or done differently. Dont worry, the contact damage of bosses is quite low compared to other attacks (Depends on the boss too).
Regarding the character's life, we have done it that way for two reasons: The first is the added difficulty of not knowing exactly how many life points you have left. If the character is in red you know that there is not much HPleft, however you cannot tell if you will tank one or two more hits, this contributes on generating more tension to the player. The second reason is so that you don't have to look away to know how much life you have. Since most of the time you will be looking towards the character to control his movement or the sword swinging.
We considered adding a healing potion system to recover life but it seemed complex to balance given the state of the game at that moment. You regain life after each battle and it should be enough to make each battle challenging.
Thanks for the feedback and for playing the game!!! :)
Deberían de ejecutar públicamente al que se le ocurrió la mecánica de pegar moviendo el ratón como un animal
Thanks for playing the game!!! :)
How stressful but fun! Good Game! 👍
That was the idea :)
Thanks for playing the game!!!